发布时间:2021-08-27 | 发布人:智图开发人员测试账号 | 点击量:10947总 则
第一条 本馆的主要服务对象为本校师生员工。根据馆藏和借阅条件许可,对社会各界适度开放。
第二条 读者凭校园一卡通或读者证在图书馆借书、阅览。
第三条 读者因故(毕业或休(退)学、调离、解聘、辞聘等)离校,应主动还清所借图书资料,并主动到图书馆基础服务部办理相关撤户手续。
第四条 读者有合法、公平利用图书馆用于服务的文献信息资源、设备和空间的权利;有使用图书馆提供的服务的权力;有向图书馆提出各类意见、建议的权利;对图书馆的处理有异议时,有向图书馆或学校有关部门提出申诉的权利。
第五条 读者来馆应自觉遵守国家的法律、法规;自觉遵守图书馆各项规章制度;自觉维护图书馆公共秩序;服从图书馆管理人员的管理。
General Rules
Article 1 The main service objects of the library are teachers and students of the campus. According to the permission of collection and lending conditions, it is moderately open to all sectors of society.
Article 2 The reader borrows books and reads in the library with the campus card or library card.
Article 3 For some reasons (graduation, retirement, redeployment, dismissal, resignation, etc.), the reader should return all the borrowed books, and handle the relevant procedures for account cancellation at basic services department in the library.
Article 4 Readers have the right to use the library's documentary information resources ,equipment and space legally and fairly; readers have the right to use the services provided by the library; the right to put forward suggestions to the library; and the right to appeal when there is a dissent to the handling of the library.
Article 5 Readers should consciously abide by the laws and regulations of the country, abide by the rules and regulations of the library, maintain the public order of the library, and obey the management of librarians.
第一条 读者凭校园一卡通或读者证在图书馆借书、阅览。
第二条 进入图书馆应注意言谈举止文明大方,衣着整齐。
第三条 保持图书馆内安静,禁止在馆内喧哗或朗读。入馆后请将手机调至静音或振动模式,避免影响他人。
第四条 保持馆内清洁卫生,禁止随地吐痰,乱扔废弃物,请勿将雨具、食品及有异味的茶水饮料带入书库、阅览区,禁止带宠物进入图书馆。
第五条 读者平等享有图书馆内的公共资源;阅览区座位实行预约制,操作细则按《湖州师范学院图书馆阅览座位管理办法》实施,严禁读者私自占位,读者长时间离开阅览室应自觉带走私有物品。入室阅览请自觉刷卡选位或预约,自觉维护馆内秩序,不得随意挪动阅览室(空间)的桌椅,不得以任何方式抢占阅览座位。
第六条 图书馆是重点防火单位,注意消防安全,严禁在馆内吸烟和使用明火,严禁在书库和阅览区域擅自使用大功率电器或其他有安全隐患的设备。
第七条 爱护馆内设施设备和书刊资料,严禁随意涂抹刻画和破坏。违者将视污损及破坏程度予以罚款处理。
第八条 自觉遵守本馆的各项规章制度,尊重图书馆管理人员的劳动,支持管理人员按章办事。
第九条 未经图书馆行政办公室同意,禁止在馆内随意张贴各类海报,或使用个人携带的设备进行摄像、摄影及其他活动。
第十条 违反上述规定不听规劝者,任何人都有权进行制止和批评,情节严重者由图书馆会同学校有关部门予以处置,并通报其所在部门予以处理。
Notice of entry to the library
Article 1 The reader borrows books and reads in the library with the campus card or library card.
Article 2 Readers are required to have a civilized speech, good manners and dress properly.
Article 3 Keep quiet in the library. No noise or reading is allowed in the library. After entering the library, please put the phone to mute or vibration mode to avoid affecting others.
Article 4 Keep the library clean and sanitary, no spitting or littering. Rain gear, food or odorous beverages are not arrowed in reading area. Pets are not allowed to enter the library.
Article 5 Readers equally access to public resources in the library. Seats in reading areas are under the regulation of seats reservation system, the rules of operation implemented in accordance with 《Huzhou University Library Reading Seat Management Measures》.Occupying seats privately is strictly prohibited. Readers should take away their personal belongings if leaving the reading room for a long time. Please reserve and select a seat before entering the reading room, consciously swipe your campus card to select or make seat reservation. Consciously maintain the order in the reading room. Do not move the desks and chairs in the reading room.
Article 6 The library is a key fire prevention unit. Please pay attention to fire safety. Smoking, use of open flame, high-power electrical appliances or other equipment with potential safety hazards in the library and reading areas are strictly prohibited.
Article 7 Please take good care of any facilities, equipment, books and magazines in the library. Smearing or defacing are strictly prohibited. Offenders will be fined according to the degree of defacement and damage.
Article 8 Consciously abide by all the rules and regulations of the library, respect the work of library manager, and support managers to follow the regulations.
Article 9 Without the consent from the library administrative office, it is forbidden to post posters in the library, or to use personally-carried equipment for recording, photography, and other activities.
Article 10 Any person shall have the right to stop and criticize those who violates the above regulations and does not listen to the petitioners. If the circumstances are serious, the library shall handle the matter with the relevant department of the school, and inform the violator’s department.
第一条 读者凭有效证件入馆借阅(有效证件指在有效期内的湖州师范学院校园一卡通和图书馆发放的有效期内的借书证和阅览证),临时来馆查阅资料的校外读者应凭有效身份证在门禁处登记后方可进入。
第二条 有效证件仅限本人使用,不得转借他人。借用或冒用他人借阅证,一经发现图书馆有权予以扣留。
第三条 读者可自行选择自助借还机或人工服务借还图书。出门禁时如若报警请自觉接受工作人员检查,禁止将未办理借阅手续的图书带出图书馆。
第四条 借书时请检查所借图书,如发现有被污损、残缺等情况,请立即向管理人员说明。
第五条 借书时请留意还书日期谨防超期,图书到期前或逾期后,图书馆将通过Email或短信的方式发出到期提醒通知。逾期30天以上者,借阅权限将被暂停,需上网答题合格后方能开通借阅权限。
第六条 读者对所借阅书刊应加以爱护,不得在书刊上圈点、划线、加批、损毁或遗失,违者按照《湖州师范学院图书馆读者管理细则》规定赔偿。
第七条 所有图书均可在东西校区通借通还。
第八条 读者根据需要可对所借图书进行续借延期,续借期为30天(续借之日起算),逾期或被他人预约的图书不可办理续借。
第九条 读者根据需要可自行在网上预约本馆“已出借”(同种图书均已借出)状态的图书,预约图书到馆后,图书馆将以Email或手机短信方式通知预约读者,并将其保留1周(寒、暑假除外),逾期自动取消。
第十条 所需文献本馆若无纸质图书收藏,读者可借阅电子图书或通过馆际互借方式解决。
第十一条 借书数量:教师50册,研究生30册,学生每人20册。
第十二条 借书期限:外借书库图书借期为120天,允许续借30天。读者借书到期日如逢寒暑假,则顺延到开学后7天之内归还。
第十三条 外借书库实行开架管理;二线书库实行闭架管理,如需借阅应告知工作人员,修改相应数据后方可办理借阅手续。
Borrowing rules
Article 1 Readers shall access and borrow books in the library with a valid certificate (effective certificate refers to the campus card and library card within the period of validity period issued by Huzhou University), and the off-campus readers who visit the library temporarily can enter the library only after registration at the access control office with valid ID cards.
Article 2 The valid certificate must be used by the certified person only, and should not be lent to others. The library has the right to detain the card if anyone using other people’s library card.
Article 3 Readers can choose self-service machine or manual services to borrow and return books. If triggering the security alert while exiting, please consciously accept the inspection of the staff. Do not take out the books that have not been checked out.
Article 4 Please check the books you have borrowed. If you discover any incompleteness or damaged books, please inform the management staff immediately.
Article 5 Please pay attention to the date of returning the book you have borrowed to avoid exceeding the expiration date. Before the expiration date, the library will issue an expiration reminder notice via Email or SMS. The permission to borrow books will be suspended if you are over 30 days overdue. The permission will be reopened after you passed the online exam.
Article 6 Readers should take good care of borrowed books, and must not circumscribe, mark, modify, destroy, or lose them. The violators are required to pay compensation in accordance with “the Regulations for the Readers of the Library of Huzhou University”.
Article 7 All books can be borrowed and returned at the east and west campuses.
Article 8 Readers can extend the date of returning books according to their needs. The renewal period is 30 days (calculated from the date of renewals). Books that are overdue or booked by other readers can not be renewed.
Article 9 Readers can make their own online reservations on the website of the “borrowed” (the same kind of books have been loaned). The library will notify the readers by email or SMS and reserve the book for one week (except winter and summer vacations) after the reserved book was returned. It will be automatically canceled after overdue.
Article 10 If there is no collection of paper books in the library, readers can borrow e-books or through inter-library loan.
Article 11 The number of borrowable books: 50 books for teachers, 30 books for master students and 20 books for general students.
Article 12 Borrowing period: The borrowing period for books in the loan area is 120 days, allowing 30 days for renewals. If the expiration date meets winter or summer vacations, it will be extended within 7 days after the school opened.
Article 13 The open-shelf management in the loan area of the library shall be implemented. The closed-shelf management shall be implemented for the second-line area of the library. If readers need to borrow books from the second-line area, staff shall be informed and the relevant data may be amended to handle the loan procedures.
第一条 读者凭一卡通、读者证(或阅览证)阅览。
第二条 取阅书刊,每人只限1本,阅后还架时须归还回原位,或放在阅览桌上由管理人员归位,切不可携出阅览空间(室)外。
第三条 报纸、期刊、特藏图书、古籍库文献资料一般只限在收藏空间内阅览,概不外借。外文阅览空间图书借阅规则与普通图书借阅规则相同。
第四条 馆藏古籍实行闭架管理,如需查阅古籍应向管理人员申请,未经古籍管理员同意,任何读者不得进入古籍书库,更不能擅自将古籍文献带出室外。
第五条 原版古籍未经特别许可不得复印,其他古籍、报刊资料需要复制的,请在本空间的自助复印机自助复印或办理临时借阅手续后自行复印,复印时请严格遵守国家相应法律法规。
第六条 读者对所阅报、刊、书应加以爱护,不得圈点、划线、加批、损毁或遗失,违者按照《湖州师范学院图书馆读者管理细则》规定赔偿。
第七条 读者在阅览空间(室)内应保持安静、整洁,注意消防安全,不得随意挪动阅览座椅,严禁在阅览空间(室)内吸烟和使用明火;严禁使用大功率电器或其他有安全隐患的设备;请勿将雨具、食品及有异味的茶水饮料带入阅览区。
Reading rules
Article 1 Readers enter the reading area of the library with campus card or library card.
Article 2 Each reader is limited to occupy only one book in the reading room. The book should be placed back after reading, or just let it on the reading desk and the administrative staff will handle it. Do not carry it out of reading space.
Article 3 Newspapers, periodicals, special collections of books, documents of ancient books, and archives are generally restricted to be read in this space and are not for circulation. The reading rules for reading books in foreign languages space are the same as those for ordinary books.
Article 4 The collection of ancient books is closed-shelves management. If you need to check the ancient books, you should apply to the librarian. Without the consent of the librarian of this room, any reader may not enter the ancient books library, nor shall they be allowed to bring out the ancient documents without authorization.
Article 5 The original ancient books generally do not provide photocopies. If the reader needs to copy other ancient books, newspapers or periodicals, please copy them in the self-service photocopiers inside the reading room, or applying for temporary borrowing. When copying, please strictly abide by the corresponding national laws and regulations.
Article 6 Readers shall take care of the newspapers, periodicals and books, and shall not circulate, mark, modify, destroy, or lose paper in newspapers, periodicals or books. The offenders shall be compensated in accordance with the “Regulations for the Readers of the Library of Huzhou University”.
Article 7 Readers must keep quiet and tidy in the reading space, pay attention to fire safety. Do not casually move the reading chairs. Smoking and open flames are strictly forbidden. Please do not use high-power electrical appliances or other safety hazards. Rain gear, food or odorous beverages are not arrowed in reading area.
第一条 读者凭一卡通、读者证(或阅览证)阅览。
第二条 电子阅览区域的设备、网络仅限读者上网查阅电子文献、检索图书馆书目、使用各种专业软件及进行教育培训等教与学活动使用。
第三条 读者应自觉遵守《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》。禁止利用计算机或网络进行黑客攻击、端口扫描、散播病毒、危害国家信息安全等违法活动;禁止浏览、发表和传播黄色淫秽内容。
第四条 自带笔记本电脑的读者可在图书馆内使用无线网,使用无线网时须采用学校统一账号登录。
第五条 上机前请检查计算机及相关配件(如键盘、鼠标、耳机等)是否完好,发现问题,及时向管理人员反映。
第六条 读者上网不得恶意盗用帐号、假冒他人帐号、擅自将帐号密码公布于众、擅自转送帐号密码、利用帐号谋取利益等行为,否则责任自负。
第七条 禁止删改计算机系统配置及文件,禁止随意更改计算机软件设置及安装任意文件和软件,如有新的学习软件需求,可以向管理人员推荐安装。
第八条 禁止私自移动、拆卸室内的网络设施、计算机及其部件,使用过程中请爱护相关软件、硬件,禁止不当操作;凡因上述行为造成的整机及部件损坏或丢失,需承担相应责任,造成计算机和其它设备严重损坏者,须照价赔偿,情节严重者将报学校有关部门给予相应纪律处分,如遇到异常情况,应立即与管理人员联系。
第九条 读者在使用过程中须及时将个人文件存档,以免造成不必要的损失。
第十条 读者应保持电子阅览区内安静、整洁,注意消防安全。严禁在馆内吸烟和使用明火;严禁在馆内使用大功率电器或其他有安全隐患的设备;请勿将雨具、食品及有异味的茶水饮料带入电子阅览区。
Electronic reading rules
Article 1 Readers enter the electronic reading area of the library with campus card or library card.
Article 2 The equipment and network of the electronic reading area are only available to readers to access electronic documents , retrieve library bibliographies, use various professional software, and conduct educational training.
Article 3 Readers should consciously abide by the “provisional Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Computer Information Network on the International Network Management” .It is forbidden to use computers or network to conduct hacker attacks, port scanning, virus dissemination, endanger national information security and other illegal activities; it is forbidden to browse, publish, and disseminate pornographic content.
Article 4 Readers who bring their own laptops may use wireless networks in the library. Readers must use campus uniform account to login.
Article 5 Please check whether the computer and related accessories ( such as keyboard, mouse, and headphones ) are in good condition before using the computers. If any problems are found, please report to the administrative staff in time.
Article 6 Readers shall not maliciously use the internet to steal account numbers, impersonate another person's account number, arbitrarily disclose their account passwords to the public, transfer their account passwords without permission, or use the account to seek benefits.
Article 7 It is forbidden to revise the configuration and files of computer systems and to arbitrarily change the settings of computer software and install any files and software. If there is a need for new learning software, it may be recommended for installation by administrative staff.
Article 8 It is forbidden to move and dismantle the indoor network facilities, computers or their components. Please use the relevant software and hardware during the process of use and prohibit improper operation. Any damage to or loss of the whole machine or parts caused by the above actions shall be subject to corresponding responsibilities. Anyone who has caused serious damage to computers or other equipment shall be compensated according to the price. If the circumstances are serious, relevant departments of the school will be notified of the relevant disciplinary sanctions. In the event of an unusual situation, readers should immediately contact the administrative staff.
Article 9 Readers must file their personal documents in a timely manner in order to avoid unnecessary losses.
Article 10 Readers should keep quiet and clean in the electronic reading area and pay attention to fire safety. Smoking, use of open fire in the hall, use of high-power electrical appliances or other equipment with potential safety hazards in the hall are strictly prohibited. Rain gear, food or odorous beverages are not arrowed in electronic reading area.
第一条 读者平等享有图书馆内的公共资源,本区域座位实行预约选位制。
第二条 校内读者凭一卡通在室内选位机预约选位;或利用读者用户信息登录座位预约网站/微信公众号微网页对本区域内的座位进行预约选位(校外读者凭读者证入座非一卡通座位)。
第三条 座位入座前或离座时,读者须选位机上刷卡(或微信扫描座位二维码)签到或签离。
第四条 入座未签到、结束未签离和签到后长时间(30分钟以上)离座均属违规行为,违规满三次暂停选位权力三天。
第五条 离开座位时请务必带走所有的个人物品。
Seat reservation rules
Article 1 The readers have equal access to public resources in the library. The seat in this area is subject to the “Seat Reservation System”.
Article 2 The on-campus readers can select and reserve seats in the open seating area through three methods: seat selecting terminals, seat reservation website, and WeChat public number webpage. The off-campus readers take the no-campus card-seat with library card.
Article 3 Before take the seat or leave, readers must sign in and sign out through the self-service swiping on the library's seat selecting machine (or scan seat QR code by WeChat).
Article 4 Reservation without signing in on time, or without signing off before leave the seats , or leaving the seat for a long time (more than 30 minutes) will be considered as violation. The right of seat selecting will be suspended for 7 days after 3 violations.
Article 5 Please take away all your books and personal belongings when you leave.
第一条 本馆研修室主要服务对象为本校师生员工。主要面向我校师生开展专题性学习研究和学术研讨,不得用于任何商业用途。
第二条 研修室实行预约制, 5人以上师生读者团队可通过网站和微信进行预约使用,读者通过IC空间管理系统预约后刷校园一卡通进入使用研修室,操作细则按照《湖州师范学院图书馆研修室预约及使用说明》实施。读者需按时使用预约的研修室。预约使用的所有小组成员须在预约生效时间的前10分钟及后30分钟内到研修室门口刷卡签到,如有未正常签到者,预约人将被记违规,违规满3次暂停空间预约权利3天。使用期间请低声交流,切勿喧哗。使用完毕请签退并带走个人物品。
第三条 读者需爱护使用研修室内所有公共设施设备,严格按照规范流程使用设备、软件等,请勿移动室内设施设备。如发现设备故障或有其他疑问,请立即与工作人员联系,不得擅自处理,否则由此造成的机器损坏或软件破坏须做相应赔偿。
第四条 读者需保持研修室内环境整洁,禁止随意张贴, 食品、饮料、雨具等不得携带进入;禁止随地吐痰、乱丢垃圾;严禁在研修室内吸烟和使用明火;严禁使用大功率电器或其他有安全隐患的设备。
第五条 研修室内禁止从事违法违规活动。凡违反国家、学校、图书馆相关规定或本规则者,工作人员有随时停止其使用的权利。
Research & Study Room Rules
Article 1 The main services of the Library's study space are for teachers and students of the Huzhou University. The study space is for academic research purposes only and must not be used for any commercial purpose.
Article 2 The study space adopts a seats reservation system. The readers use the IC space management system to make appointments and then use the campus card to enter the room. The rules of operation are carried out according to the "Huzhou University Library Reading Seat Management Measures." Readers need to go to the reserved study room or study desk on time. Keep low voice in the study rooms. Please take away all your books and personal belongings before the deadline of the reservation.
Article 3 Readers need to take care of all public facilities and equipment in the space. Use equipment and software in strict accordance with the standard procedures, and do not move indoor facilities and equipment. If any equipment failure or other problems are found, please contact the staff immediately and do not handle it without authorization. Otherwise, the resulting damage to the machine or software will be compensated accordingly.
Article 4 Readers need to keep the environment clean and tidy, prohibit posting poster in the study space; food, beverages, rain gear, etc. must not be carried in; spitting and littering are prohibited; it is strictly forbidden to smoke and use open flame in the study space (room); It is forbidden to use high-power electrical appliances or other equipment with potential safety hazards.
Article 5 Activities prohibited by any library regulations are prohibited in the study space. Any person who violates the relevant provisions of the school and the library, the staff has the right to stop their use at any time.
第一条 读者所借图书应妥善保管,如有遗失、污损和撕页等情况,需按以下规定赔偿:
1. 图书遗失可购买同样版本图书赔偿,若有价差,需补齐,同时交纳加工费3元;未能购得图书的按规则2执行。
第二条 以下情况应予以处罚:
Compensation and penalty system
Article 1 The borrowed books by readers should be properly kept. If there are any losses, damage or page tears,should be purchased according to the following :
1. Lost books should be replaced as of original version, and 3 RMB for processing expenses. If the book cannot be placed, a reparation is applied accordig to rule 2.
2. Regulations of ordinary Chinese and foreign languages books: More than 8 times of the original price if the book was published before or in the year of 1987. 5 times of the original price if the book was published between 1988 to 1995. 3 times of the original price if the book was published after and in the year of 1996.
3. Collections of rare books and foreign original books, and important books that cannot be supplemented will be subject to compensation of more than ten times of the original price depending on the book price, collection, and use value of the books. The compensation will be submitted to the curator for approval when necessary.
4. Compensation for loss of multiple volumes books: Loss of one volume for coherent multiple volumes of books, following single-book compensation method and a fine of more than 20 RMB. Loss of one volume for incoherent multiple volumes books, following single-book compensation method and a fine of more than 10 RMB.
5. Defiled books: compensate 2 RMB per defiled page. More than 10 pages defiled, fine of 3 times the original price of the book, fine 20 RMB if the compensation is less than 20 RMB.
6. For any page-tearing behavior, fine of 20 RMB for each page, and the reader are given a public criticism. If the circumstance is serious, the relevant school department or reader's college will be notified to give disciplinary punishment.
7. The compensation for the loss of journals and other materials shall be implemented in accordance with the above standards. The Asia Foundation donated foreign language books (unitary pricing is 25 RMB per book) are implemented in accordance with the second paragraph standard.
Article 2 The following circumstances shall be punished:
1. Found that the use of other people's library card, the card will be detained and only be claimed by the card holder.
2. Those who have committed theft crime, school’s relevant department or the reader’s college will give disciplinary action, and fine of more than 10 times the original price of the book or journal.