发布时间:2023-02-22 | 发布人:图书馆 | 点击量:11489第一条 读者凭校园一卡通或读者证在图书馆借书、阅览。
第二条 进入图书馆应注意言谈举止文明大方,衣着整齐。
第三条 保持图书馆内安静,禁止在馆内喧哗或朗读。入馆后请将手机调至静音或振动模式,避免影响他人。
第四条 保持馆内清洁卫生,禁止随地吐痰,乱扔废弃物,请勿将雨具、食品及有异味的茶水饮料带入书库、阅览区,禁止带宠物进入图书馆。
第五条 读者平等享有图书馆内的公共资源;阅览区座位实行预约制,操作细则按《湖州师范学院图书馆阅览座位管理办法》实施,严禁读者私自占位,读者长时间离开阅览室应自觉带走私有物品。入室阅览请自觉刷卡选位或预约,自觉维护馆内秩序,不得随意挪动阅览室(空间)的桌椅,不得以任何方式抢占阅览座位。
第六条 图书馆是重点防火单位,注意消防安全,严禁在馆内吸烟和使用明火,严禁在书库和阅览区域擅自使用大功率电器或其他有安全隐患的设备。
第七条 爱护馆内设施设备和书刊资料,严禁随意涂抹刻画和破坏。违者将视污损及破坏程度予以罚款处理。
第八条 自觉遵守本馆的各项规章制度,尊重图书馆管理人员的劳动,支持管理人员按章办事。
第九条 未经图书馆行政办公室同意,禁止在馆内随意张贴各类海报,或使用个人携带的设备进行摄像、摄影及其他活动。
第十条 违反上述规定不听规劝者,任何人都有权进行制止和批评,情节严重者由图书馆会同学校有关部门予以处置,并通报其所在部门予以处理。
Notice of entry to the library
Article 1 The reader borrows books and reads in the library with the campus card or library card.
Article 2 Readers are required to have a civilized speech, good manners and dress properly.
Article 3 Keep quiet in the library. No noise or reading is allowed in the library. After entering the library, please put the phone to mute or vibration mode to avoid affecting others.
Article 4 Keep the library clean and sanitary, no spitting or littering. Rain gear, food or odorous beverages are not arrowed in reading area. Pets are not allowed to enter the library.
Article 5 Readers equally access to public resources in the library. Seats in reading areas are under the regulation of seats reservation system, the rules of operation implemented in accordance with 《Huzhou University Library Reading Seat Management Measures》.Occupying seats privately is strictly prohibited. Readers should take away their personal belongings if leaving the reading room for a long time. Please reserve and select a seat before entering the reading room, consciously swipe your campus card to select or make seat reservation. Consciously maintain the order in the reading room. Do not move the desks and chairs in the reading room.
Article 6 The library is a key fire prevention unit. Please pay attention to fire safety. Smoking, use of open flame, high-power electrical appliances or other equipment with potential safety hazards in the library and reading areas are strictly prohibited.
Article 7 Please take good care of any facilities, equipment, books and magazines in the library. Smearing or defacing are strictly prohibited. Offenders will be fined according to the degree of defacement and damage.
Article 8 Consciously abide by all the rules and regulations of the library, respect the work of library manager, and support managers to follow the regulations.
Article 9 Without the consent from the library administrative office, it is forbidden to post posters in the library, or to use personally-carried equipment for recording, photography, and other activities.
Article 10 Any person shall have the right to stop and criticize those who violates the above regulations and does not listen to the petitioners. If the circumstances are serious, the library shall handle the matter with the relevant department of the school, and inform the violator’s department.